Sunday, October 14, 2012

10-14-2012 - Intolerance at its best


Welcome to Palmetto Bay Village of Parks INTOLERANCE.

Mayor Stanczyk, Vice Mayor Pariser and Councilwoman Lindsey, please verify to the Citizens of Palmetto Bay that the list of items presented below is comprehensive and accurate:  Schools X, Churches  X , Children X , Noise X,Traffic X, Freedom of Speech X, Westchester & Hialeah X, Property Rights , Construction .  Check, Check, Check, Check, Check, Check, and Double Check.  Are there any other items which you as Village Council are intolerant that I’ve you’ve missed?

We’ve come a long way from the community that I was born and raised in.  I remember a day when we strived for and appreciated diversity of opinions and ethnicity.    Where and when did it all start going wrong?  Maybe it’s when Stanczyk, Lindsay and Pariser began cramming their community ‘vision’ down our throats without asking the residents of Palmetto Bay if we were actually interested.  One of the items included in their new vision is the Neighborhood Protection Ordinance (NOP).

The real question is does the NPO actually help the Village and who does the NPO protect us from and why?  

When one of the NPO favorite supporters, who is the chairperson of the charter revision commission states on the record that she didn’t want our Village “to look like Westchester or Hialeah,” what did she mean by “look like?” How much more offensive could political leaders of the Village become?  Are you representing the residents of Palmetto Bay or the members of the Concerned Citizens of Old Cutler, Inc. (CCOCI?)   

You remember the CCOCI, they were the group that pushed the Village into a six-year litigation battle with Palmer Trinity that will eventually cost the Village taxpayers’ millions of dollars in attorney fees and damages.

But that’s old news - what’s on the agenda today?  The NPO - the new zoning ordinance is punitive and onerous to Churches, Schools and Hospitals needing building permits.  The Village was promised it would be enacted four months after the building moratorium was passed by Mayor Stanczyk, Vice Mayor Pariser and Councilwoman Lindsey and the timing is right on target.   The NPO and its consequences are so technical and likely litigious that they are daunting and complex to the most seasoned professionals.  Yet, the Mayor believes that she and Joan Lindsey have done such an outstanding job that we should vote for a charter change which will entitle them to serve three - four years terms in various Council positions.   

Our Council, led by Stanczyk, Pariser and Lindsay, have again dug a proverbial hole in the ground.  It appears they have promised their fifty or so supporters that they would stop any future expansion of Churches or Schools by risking the liability of massive litigation.   Envision the Palmer Trinity fiasco, part two.   

Where does that leave us as a community?  The Florida State Statues allow us as Citizens the process of Recall.  The same set of Statutes that allow our Village to exist afford us the right to Recall Mayor Stanczyk and Councilwoman Lindsey. Vice Mayor Pariser can simply be voted out in the upcoming election.    As my mom used to say, “It’s all fun and games until the someone loses an eye.”  No one has lost an eye, but you don’t have to be blind to see the irreparable damage Stancyck, Lindsay and Pariser are doing to our community.  Please sign the Recall petition when I comes your way, its your right as a Citizen to be properly represented.  


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