Friday, June 28, 2013

Why would the Village hire an attorney without liability insurance?

As everyone knows, unless, of course, they’ve been living under a rock, the Village of Palmetto Bay has been and is involved in numerous lawsuits which are due to some extremely misguided zoning decisions by Mayor Stanczyk and various Council members.    We might have to expect expect more to come with the next one being filed by Alexander Montessori School who just recently lost their ability to expand their enrollment.    The decision made to deny their ability to add additional students was made by 110 residents who cast their ballots and who live within approximately 2000 feet of the school.  The final tally was 71 yes and 38 no votes.  The school needed a margin of 75% yes’s to expand.  They were 12 votes short.  38 residents of Palmetto Bay decided that a school that has been operating for decades in Palmetto Bay can’t add an additional 59 students to their enrolment   So much for democracy in Palmetto Bay.

Attorney Eve Boutsis, our Palmetto Bay Village Attorney has played a large role in advising the Council on various zoning and legal actions of the Village.   So what if the recommendations or advice by the Village Attorney in regards to zoning and litigation have been wrong and the Village is eventually hit with millions of dollars in judgments?   What if she doesn’t have Professional Liability Insurance? If an Attorney doesn’t have professional liability insurance and their advice has been wrong, who pays the bill?  We the citizens of Palmetto Bay do.  This is what I assume will eventually happen with regard to the Palmer Litigation.  We all are going to have pay a little more in Real Estate taxes to cover up for either bad legal advice or a Council that just didn’t care to take the Village Attorneys recommendations.  If it was bad legal advice a lack of Professional liability insurance could be a real problem.

When all is said and done the Council will continue to rely on the recommendations of a Village Attorney whether Ms. Boutsis is replaced or not.  In the meantime, I continue to ask whether our present Village attorney has professional liability insurance or not but have basically been told by her attorney to “pound sand.”  Do you think it would be safe to assume that’s a “no?”    As a citizens shouldn’t  we be able to find out if our Village Attorney has malpractice insurance or if it should be required?  With all the litigation that’s been filed against the Village of Palmetto Bay over the last couple of years, this really should be a requirement.

One item of note, If you search the internet you’ll find that The City of South Miami, is presently suing Eve’s partner, Luis Figueredo of Figueredo & Boutsis, P.A. for professional malpractice stemming from an incident during his stint as South Miami’s City Attorney.  The lawsuit claims he was negligent in issuing a bond and questions whether it was tax exempt.

Now that alone should not be an indictment of Ms. Boutsis, but it strengthens my argument that any attorney who works for our Village, or any municipally for that matter, should be required to have Professional Liability insurance.   

This week I was able to obtain from the Village, the draft Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Village Attorney’s position.  Nowhere in the draft is there a requirement that the Village Attorney obtain professional liability insurance.  This is ultimately a mistake by Village Manager Ron Williams which could have a detrimental financial effect on the Village.  Whether Ms. Boutsis keeps her position or not, Professional Liability insurance must be a requirement for the Village Attorney’s position.

Professional Liability insurance may not protect the Citizens of Palmetto Bay from large financial judgments, or the couple of Council members who thrive on litigation, but it will surely help keep any Attorney who represents our Village more accountable for their professional advice.