To All,
Tomorrow, Tuesday, November 20th is the day that voters will set the direction the Village of Palmetto Bay will move for the next four years. We as a community can stay where we’ve been for the last four years or we can move in a much more positive direction.
A direction where the word “COMMUNITY” actually means something to the individuals who represent us on the Council. A direction where the phase “FISCAL RESPONSBILITY” is not just a phase batted around by those who have wasted and will continue to waste your hard-earned income. A direction where “OPINIONS” are actually listened to at the Village, not just brushed aside by a group of “condo commando” types who dictate to you how this Village needs to be run.
As you vote tomorrow please remember how we got to the point where we are at this time - it has all been caused by the current Mayor Shelley Stanczyk, the Vice Mayor Brian Pariser and Councilwoman Joan Lindsay. Here’s a list of their failings to date:
· Over 1.65 million dollar in losses over two years at the Coral Reef Tennis Courts since the Jane Forman contract was canceled. Prior to that there were no losses.
· A 1.1 million dollar hot dog stand, the cost of which exceeds the value of 99% of the homes located in the Village of Palmetto Bay
· Over $800,000 and counting for attorney fees paid to the Village Attorneys Eve Boutsis and White and Case to fight Palmer Trinity expansion over the last four years. This equates to a $3,200 attack on each student the Mayor and Vice Mayor tried to disapprove.
· A 2.3 Million dollar operating deficit for the Villages 2012-2013 fiscal year budget.
· Over 10 Million dollars of taxpayer’s money spent out of reserves over the last 3 years.
· A possible 12 million dollar judgment against the Village in Palmer Trinity’s favor.
Please remember this is the damage they have accomplished over the last four years, can you imagine what they can and will do in the next four? We all will pay the financial price with “INCREASED REAL ESTATE TAXES” if Brian Pariser and Tim Schaffer are elected to the Council and the wasteful financial shenanigans continue.
Numbers and facts don’t lie, but rhetoric does. Please tell all your friends and neighbors to get out and Vote tomorrow for John Dubios and Jim Araiza.
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