Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Hello From Canada

Hello, from Canada . (No, I’m not trying to escape the Neighborhood Protection Ordinance by moving to the Great White North.)
I will have very little internet access for the next couple of days and as my friends keep asking me “Why So Serious David?”, I’ve decided to have some fun with the characters of Star Wars.  I must tell you that the Star Wars series are my favorite Science Fiction movies because my father took me to see the original and I’ve luckily had the opportunity to share these movies with my children.
Therefore, for giggles, I have recast Palmetto Bay political lumimaries, (thank you South Dade Matters for indirectly giving me the idea) as Star Wars characters.  Some people will agree with my recasting and some won’t, but please remember it’s all in good fun.
Five main characters, which were very easy to recast;
Darth Sidious – Joan Lindsay, I think this recasting speaks for itself.  There has been a direct correlation between her appointment on the Council and the downward spiral of the Village.  She and her band of misfits have allured Mayor Shelly Stanczyk to the Dark Side.
Darth Vader – Shelley Stanczyk,  Shelley’s inner-turmoil between the Force and the Dark Side.  It’s unfortunate that the Dark side seems to be winning with no possible redemption.
Luke Skywalker – John DuBios, along with the silent majority of Palmetto Bay residents, he will defeat the Dark Side in the end.
Princess Leia – Who else could play the part besides the lovely Karyn Cunningham
Han Solo - Howard Tendrich, I’m hoping with a little prodding that Howard will realize the only way to avenge his election defeat will be to continue to fight the Dark Side, whether he’s on the council or not.  I’m rooting for you Howard.
Supporting cast of characters;
Obi Wan Kenobi -Jim Araiza, in my version of events Obi Wan is the final nail in Darth Vader’s coffin, not the other way around.
Grand Muff Tarkin  - Brian Pariser, commander of the first Death Star, which is destroyed with him on it by Luke Skywalker.
Anakin Skywalker - Tim Schaffer, his character is at the crossroads in life but he eventually decides to be transformed to the Dark Side by Darth Sidious…… or does he?
Jar Jar Binks  - David Zisman, just as Jar Jar Binks couldn’t keep his mouth closed for any extended period of time in the movie, Zisman appears to have the same issue.
Chewbacca –  JB Harris, serious who yells louder than JB Harris?
Yoda - South Dade Matters, for his/her brilliant writing and insight.
Ok, so there you have it, my not so serious blog for the day.   If I’ve missed any characters please send me your thoughts, I’d be interested in feedback.
All joking aside, please remember we must do our part and vote for John Dubois and Jim Araiza on Tuesday, November 20, 2012. 
David Singer

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