Monday, May 6, 2013

When can a Visa charge bring down the Mayor of Palmetto Bay?

“Oh what a tangled WEB we weave, When first we practice to deceive”

        Sir Walter Scott

 Every once in a while a piece of paper crosses my desk, that make me wonder "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT PERSON THINKING?!"  In this case, it was a PayPal receipt (attached) used to pay for the website ""  and it was  Mayor Shelly Stanczyk's.  I know this because it details her name, address, email addresses and credit card information.

In case you're not familiar with, it's content is the basis for slander litigation due to defamation, accusations and flat out lies it made about John Dubois and Jim Araiza, along with a couple of non-factual comments about yours truly. 

After 5 months of research and subpoenas by attorney JB Harris, it turns out that Mayor Stanczyk's credit card was used to fund  Either it was done without her permission or she decided to play fast and loose in her role as Mayor of Palmetto Bay.  This is the same Mayor who, at commission meetings, holds herself out in the highest regard with supposedly impeccable character as she demands respect.  But apparently her political integrity ranks with that of Richard Nixon.

The accusations made on regarding John Dubois and Jim Araiza are beyond serious in nature and will eventually cost numerous defendants dearly as the case is decided.  One accusation was that candidate Jim Araisa's was a felon.  This bald face lie might have had a great deal to do with Jim's election loss and will likely follow him for years to come.  While political speech is free in our great nation, slander can be extremely costly. The perpetrators of will find that out the hard way.

While was set up to promote the candidacy of Tim Schaffer and Brain Pariser, Tim Schaffer acknowledged during a recent deposition that he wasn't even aware of the majority of information which was presented on his behalf.  One example is that Tim Schaffer was reported to be a Certified Financial Planner (CFP), which is a total fabrication according the Tim.    Publishing the fact that Tim Schaffer was a CFP, could have gotten him in serious trouble since he is not now nor ever been a member of the association.

Leaders lead and liars lie. This community desperately needs a Mayor who does not do the latter.  During the election, the Mayor promoted, she sent emails that she signed as Mayor which in included a link directing recipients to visit and its defamatory lies disparaging political opponents.  What we do know is there are ethic rules that define how political action is to be conducted.  It doesn't seem as though those rules were followed.  What type of example does she set for the Village of Palmetto Bay employees?  Unethical leadership leads to unethical organizations, or as the old saying goes "the fish stinks from the head."  We have some great individuals who work at Village Hall and they deserve better - a lot better. 

It's time for Mayor Stanczyk to resign.  She has no credibility as Mayor and is an embarrassment to the Village.  She has damaged this community's reputation and has disgraced the office of Mayor.   As the investigation and depositions continue further evidence of questionable activity is going to be revealed.

At this point the Mayor's Recall is a slam-dunk.  I suggest that she not put this community through the Recall process.  I call on her to offer her resignation at the next council meeting May 6th.  Nobody would mind if she engaged in one last political deception and denied wrong-doing, but decided to bow out for the good of the Village so it wouldn't have the distraction.  She could say she wants to spend more time with her family or at her Second Hand Store.  It would be a win-win: she saves face and the Village gets the chance for a better Council without her. If you are so moved and as disgusted as I am, I recommend that you call her office or email her and request that she resign.  To call her office, dial 305 259-1234.  To call her store, dial 305 969-0696.  To email her, write    Be sure to cc the other Palmetto Bay councilmembers to ensure they too are aware of your disgust in dirty politics.

Part two next week -- When are the ethic violation complaints going to start to fly and were the members of the Concerned Citizens of Old Cutler involved in the website.

David Singer


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