Friday, August 9, 2013

The Steroids of Politics

Every once in a while an event happens in our Village that has political repercussions for years to come.   This event will probably occur at this week's Council meeting scheduled for Wednesday, August 7th, at 6:30pm.  There is only one item that has been placed on the agenda for discussion: the release of all Palmer Trinity Shade Sessions.

This topic of conversation is a long time coming and is invaluable to putting this sordid little affair behind us to rebuild the Village of Palmetto Bay's reputation within the community.  The release of these Shade Sessions is also expected to end the political lives of Mayor Shelley Stanczyk and Councilwoman Joan Lindsey.

Just as major league baseball has finally started to address steroids, we as a community should finally address the individuals who were the root cause placing this community into five years of protracted litigation with Palmer Trinity.  The cost to this community goes well beyond the money we've spent fighting the litigation, just as the use of steroids by professional baseball players go beyond enhancing athletic performance.   It's all about an individual's lack of ethics, narcissism and self-absorption.

Baseball needs to be played without drug enhanced players who actually care about the purity of the game, just as the Village of Palmetto Bay should be run by Politian's who really care about their constituents and don't get caught up in self-glorifying behavior and ugly vendettas.

It will be interesting to see Mayor Stanczyk and Councilwoman Lindsey recite the same contrived gobbledygook they've been preaching from the dais for the past year (i.e. it's not in the best interest of the Village to release Shade Session transcripts, etc.)  I would really appreciate one of the remaining Councilmembers to have the intestinal fortitude to state on the record that it wasn't in the best interest of the Village for either the Mayor or Councilwoman to continually vote for extending the Palmer litigation for five years.  Mayor Stanczyk and Councilwoman Lindsey were a major contributing factor of this predicament and now they are trying to stop disclosure because it may make them look really bad.  It's interesting the way that works.

As Alex Rodriguez is expected to appeal his suspension from baseball today, I would expect that Village Attorney to attempt to keep the Shade Sessions secret long after the vote this week to release them.  Expect the Mayor to state on record, at some point, even though there was a vote to release that passed, it's in the best interest of the Village that our Village Attorney files a motion with the court to keep the information secret.   And, by the way, they will be using your tax dollars once again to hide the truth.

At the end of the day, the litigation will be settled, and Palmer Trinity will get exactly what they wanted five years ago.   The Village can't afford to settle for anything less because they will otherwise be liable for extraordinary damages.  The Neighborhood Protection Ordinance that was passed in November 2012 will be thrown out as a concession to prevent Palmer from receiving a judgment that could be millions of dollars.   For engaging in behavior that is detrimental to the 'game,' let's hope that Mayor Stanczyk and Joan Lindsey get a lifetime ban from politics for the sake of the Village.     It should start at the ballot box next election.

David Singer

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