How do you spell Hypocrite? B-r-i-a-n P-a-r-i-s-e-r
Truthful politics is an oxymoron at best. However, Vice Mayor - Brian Pariser takes the contradiction to new levels. Nothing proves this more than Brian Pariser’s comments regarding campaign contributions from out-of-Village individuals at last week candidate debate. Actually, the debate was extremely professional and reserved until the Vice Mayor suggested that a few candidates had their credibility impaired because they received campaign contributions from various attorneys who had defended Palmer Trinity, or had received contributions from out-of-Village family, friends and businesses. He later stated that he has received 80% of his contributions from Village of Palmetto Bay residents.
Brian’s statements were extremely misleading. This is very important since creditability is playing an important role in this year’s Vice Mayor race.
Lets look the Vice Mayor’s numbers:
Brian Pariser has received $13,305.00 in contributions; he has self-funded $5,152.23 and received $8,152.77 in other contributions.
Out of the $8,152.77, about a 1/3, or $2,550.00 has come from attorneys and individuals outside of the Village. This leaves an amount of 2/3’s, or $5,602.48 from individuals who live in the Village of Palmetto Bay. By the way, in my math 2/3’s, is less than 80%.
The interesting part is, of the donations received from individuals who live in Palmetto Bay almost half or $2,236.00, was donated to the Vice Mayor from people associated with the Concerned Citizens of Old Cutler, Inc. (CCOCI.)
So, if Brian, as stated, is so concerned with the creditability of candidates taking contributions from individuals who live outside of the Village of Palmetto Bay, and he’s so concerned about candidates taking money from attorneys who represent Palmer Trinity, why is he taking campaign contributions from associates of the CCOCI (Probably Palmetto Bay’s largest special interest group)? Need I also remind you that CCOCI is a named defendant, along with the Village, in the litigation brought by Palmer Trinity in an attempt, as the court rulings have shown, to preserve its rights under the law. This litigation has caused the divisiveness that’s disturbing the quiet enjoyment of our sleepy little Village. And who, you might ask, kept voting to appeal and prolong this litigation racking up the risk to the tune of a potential $13,000,000 judgement against our fair Village? Brian Pariser.
In fact, a contributor to Brian’s campaign, Gary Pastorella, is the Vice President of CCOCI. Mr. Pastorella arrived at the debate last week with over a hundred flyers promoting the Neighborhood Protection Charter Amendment. The back of the Mr. Pastorella’s flyer additionally included misinformation; some might say libel, about opposing candidates. You may have seen the same yellow flyer in your Palmetto Bay mailbox last week. It’s titled ”Palmetto Bay Concerned Residents independently of any candidate.” (Mine is lining my parakeet cage.) Independently? Really? Not-so-much. Seems as though Palmetto Bay Concerned Residents is not a real organization – I can’t say for sure but it appears to be a fake front for the CCOCI. Another question, are there any campaign ethics violations that could potentially surface against the Palmetto Bay Concerned Residents?
It’s the old glass house theory, which I guess they didn’t teach Brian at law school. If you accuse people of doing things you yourself are doing, the hypocrisy is going to come back and bite you.
Brian’s Campaign Treasure’s reports are easily found on or the Village of Palmetto Bay's Website.
David Singer
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